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Bibliography (selected)



pubblicato mercoledì 13 novembre 2002

The artists:, Amanda Bayard, Pierluigi Bellacci, Elvio Chiricozzi, Marco Colazzo, Paolo Consorti, Eloisa Bracco, Aldo De Mattia, Pablo Echaurren, Stefania Fabrizi, David Fagioli, Paolo Fiorentino, Dario Ghibaudo, Franco Giordano, Francesco Impellizzeri, Mark Kostabi, Enzo Lisi, Prychodko, Marina Profili, Massimo Rossetti, 



10.12.2002 - Roma 22Novembre 2002. GALLERIA ARTURARTE ... Massimo Antonelli, Bernardino Balzi, Amanda Bayard, Pierluigi Bellacci, Eloisa Bracco, etc.


Anonymous, „Fische Schwimmen in Murten,“ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich Switzerland, May 8, 2001


Montani, Gilbert, Deiss, Joseph et al. „Les Poissons de la Ville de Morat” Catalogue d’exposition, 44 pages, Hofstetter Editeur, Bayard, Prychodko, „Les Mignons du Roi Misère“ pp.11 Morat /Murten, Switzerland, 2001


Hofer, Robert, Papilloud, J.H., Darioly, I. et al. “Vis à Vis” Artistes Valaisans Photographiés par Robert Hofer”, Photopus Éditions, Mediatheque Valais, pp. 26 & 168, Sion, Switzerland, 2001


Swiss National Library 
Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek

Bern, 3003 Switzerland

Amanda Bayard, exposition Galerie Kiron, Paris, 2 juin -12 septembre, 1998

German National Library - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek


Bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie, Genève Amanda Bayard, Galerie Kiron, Paris, 2 juin - 12 septembre 1998 Place, publisher, year: Paris : Galerie Kiron, 1998

Getty Research Institute WorldCat
Research Library

Los Angeles, CA 90049 United States
Amanda Bayard : Galerie Kiron, Paris, 2 juin-12 septembre 1998.

Paris : Galerie Kiron, [1998]

Available at General Collections LIBRARY ANNEX (N7153.B39 A4 1998

Figaroscope, expositions d'art, Amanda Bayard, Gallerie Kiron, Paris, 1998

HES-SO (Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale) 
Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais - ECAV/Sierre


Musées cantonaux du Valais, Sion

Amanda BayardGalerie Kiron, Paris, 2 juin - 12 septembre 1998

Place, publisher, year:

Paris : Galerie Kiron, 1998

Physical Description:

1 vol. (non paginé) ; ill. en noir et en couleurs ; 30 cm

Format: Book


Mutter, Bettina, „ Die Vorkämpfer Vom Hinterhof“, Wallis Magazine, Nr. 4 pp. 42- 47. Switzerland, August /September, 1993


“Le Genie de la Bastille” exhibition invitation / flyer, incl. artists listing, group exhibition organized by the French National Center for Visual Arts and the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Paris, Oct 30-Nov 4, 1986


“Light and Illusion- a Group Show of International Painters,” Bayard, Prychodko illustration & text, exhibition flyer, The Wexler Gallery, 32 W. 28th St. New York, New York, 10001, Mar. 5- 24, 1986


“Artistes en Permanence,” Galerie Flora/Espace Kiron, exhibition flyer, Editions Kiron, 10, Rue de la Vacquerie, 75011 Paris, 1985

Art Basel 13 catalog 1982, References pp 572 Amanda Bayard, Galerie Weber S.A. Geneva


Galerie Paul Facchetti, Zurich, exhibition flyer, June through September 1982


Bernimoulin, Gundel, „die Innere Dimension der Dinge“ („the Inner Dimension of Things“), Kultur, Rundgang durch Zürcher Galerien, Tages Anzeiger, pp 24, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov. 22, 1982


 „Prychodko und Amanda Bayard,“ exhibition pamphlet with full page illustrations recto & texts verso,  Galerie Wolfbach-Margrit Spleiss, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov. 19- Dec. 23, 1982

Walliser Bote, Kultur, Mengis, Ines, Ein Kunstlerehepaar Stellt Aus- Amanda Bayard & Andrij Prychodko in der Galerie Wolfbach, Zürich, Nov. 25, 1982


„Présentation d’une Selection d’Oeuvres: Agosti, Amanda Bayard, Dubuffet, Fassianos, Hundertwasser, Georges Noël, Lataster, Prychodko, Vajda“ exhibition flyer, Galerie Paul Facchetti, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, June–July 1982


Estampes, Alechinsky, Appel, Amanda Bayard, Bellmer, Max Bill, Calder, Chagall, Chillida, Christo, Dali, Delvaux, Dubuffet, Ernst, Folon, Sam Francis, Giacommetti, Jorn, Le Corbusier, Man Ray, Masson Matta, Miro, Prychodko, Rosenquist, Soulages, Zao Wou-Ki. Catalogue Galerie Weber S.A. d’Editions, Geneva, Switzerland, 1982

Médiathèque Valais, Sion

Gespräch mit den Künstlern

Amanda Bayard und Andrij Prychodko in Zürich Authors / Contributors Ines Mengis, Place, publisher, year: 1982 Contained in: Walliser Bote, 1982/274/14 Format: Article


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